
19 July 2011

My interview on Triple J's Hack (and a related video)

This morning I headed to the ABC radio studios to pre-record an interview on Triple J's Hack.
I was incredibly excited and honoured about being asked to do the interview, and being in the studio that I took photos then forgot the directions to the interview booth (The Tardis). So I had to go back to the concierge to ask again!

The interview was about barriers to dating, specifically my physical appearance. You can here it here. 

Stella Young also spoke :)

I said a lot more in the unedited version, which I will write about soon.
Thanks for having me Triple J!! And a big shout out to interviewer Alex Mann :)

Meanwhile, listen to the interview (I am at the start) then watch this brilliant video by Edenland. It's as though she is channeling me. It's exactly how I feel about making an impression. Thank you Eden.


  1. Hey Carly, I was listening to JJJ this arvo & heard your interview. You were articulate, informative, entertaining and interesting. Well done!

  2. You were great, and as I said, I loved the line you finished with! Well done xxx

  3. So awesome, Carly :) This is far too cool, so well spoken.
    Heidi xo

  4. So fabulously well spoken, your parents have good reason to be proud of you ! :)

  5. Carly I was listening to Hack on the way home but missed the intro. I heard this girl speaking about love and thought what straight talking and insightful commentary. Then they said Carly Findlay and I realised it was you.
    Excellent work and you have a wondeful gentle voice.
    Kate Bx

  6. I heard you!!!! I always listen to Hack, and when they said your name to introduce the piece I squeeed out loud!! You were fantastic, I found what you said really moving. Congratulations xx


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