
10 June 2011

Video blog

It's really not very interesting.

But I'd like to think you watched it anyway.


  1. Your first VLOG, well done, you need to do more of these!!! Hope your finger is better tomorrow. Panadol and red wine should do the trick lol

  2. Oh SNAP, I cut my thumb today too! Except mine was cut by a knife while I was cutting an onion. Hope that trifle fixed you up :) xxx PS Love the vlog - you're beautiful!

  3. LOVE this blog! (I hope you don't mind my saying, but I love your accent. It's so pretty!)

    Hope your finger feels better! (and I'm with the doctor....girl go get stitches!)

  4. What a cool vlog! I couldn't watch it on the pc lastnight as the speakers don't work. Had to wait to check it out on the laptop instead!
    Thanks for the lovely lunch date - hope the thumb has stopped throbbing today.


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