
06 April 2011

Writer's breather - where to for my blog?


Since attending the Aussie Bloggers Conference, I have so many ideas for my blog in my head, and so many new contacts. The community is really wonderful. I want my blog to take me places.

Blogging is my path to freelance writing. I want to maintain quality posts that my readers have come to expect. I want to be able to submit more of the best blog entries to other publications. I want to continue to influence and educate people. I want to make people laugh, think, change their perceptions, keep returning to read and tell others about this blog.

Tune into Radio Carly is about a mix of stuff in my life. Like a radio, with a variety of stations for you to select. A little bit of fashion and shopping, some social commentary, a lot of food, music, musings about the ignorant twits who can't get over my appearance, and stories of being chronically ill - to uplift and catch your attention.

But I am not sure I can sustain one good quality blog post a day, on top of working, writing elsewhere, study, maintaining friendships, reading other blogs and media, and most importantly, resting. I am tired. I've been on an adrenaline fueled blogging spree since December - with one or more blog posts per day.

And the writing of blog posts is just the start of it. There's the preparation - reading, taking note of current issues, sourcing, taking and editing pictures, finding relevant web content to link to, requesting interviews and of course, doing stuff to blog about. And after the blog post is published, there's promotion, commenting, connecting with contacts on blogs, Twitter, forums, and Facebook, and reading other blogs. Phew! It's unnecessary pressure on myself. I don't just want to leave you with just a picture, or a music video, I want substance. And frivolity.

Sure daily posting means increased visitors, and as a result, an increase in advertisers' interest and payment. But ultimately, my blog is a tool for my writing. And to help educate people. One thing I learned at the conference was to try to make money because of your blog, not on your blog.

So while this isn't writer's block, it's a writer's breather. Blogging a bit less - maybe every three days - but still maintaining the authenticity, spirit and quality of Tune into Radio Carly. Thanks for sticking with me and my words. See you soon :)


  1. I hear you on this Carly - good luck with it all!

  2. Good to take a step back on occasion.
    Love your work Carly

  3. It's good to have a break, look at your blog from a relaxed position and rediscover the fun in blogging on your terms ;)
    Love your writing, will still be here waiting whether it's every 3 days or every 3 weeks :)

  4. Great post, Carly. Really know where you're coming from.

    Good on you for being committed to quality and your causes.

    SSG xxx

    Sydney Shop Girl blog

  5. i totally support the less is more idea. Daily is hard work - when I've done bouts of daily posting it's paid off in traffic but maintaining quality is hard. I never wanted to cheat and just post a pic and a word or two. I wanted sustained quality and that takes it out of you.

    I prefer a post every 2-3 days. Readers go with you if you just establish a general pattern. It doesn't have to be firm - like if you go longer it's no drama - but go for quality and you'll be great!

  6. It's good to take some time off for yourself. I think it helps get the feeling that blogging is something you do for fun back into your life, rather than sticking to a rigid schedule. I'll still look forward to your posts, no matter how many times a week they appear!

  7. Quality over quantity - makes sense to me! Im not going anywhere

  8. That sounds like a very intelligent choice. There's nothing worse than forcing yourself to do something while feeling that you're not doing it to the best of your ability. As long as I can still read a post or few from you a week, I will be very happy indeed. :)

  9. That is the beautiful thing about subscribing in a reader - I get told whenever you update, even if you took a month off.

    I'm moving back to writing what I enjoy and what I want to talk about too. x

  10. I've found this too and although I haven't been blogging as much as you, I can understand the pressure to produce. It's not the love for writing that is questioned, more so the time do do all of it!

    I've managed to find my own little groove which I have been testing. I now schedule my posts on Mon, Wed, Fri 10 am. I try to diarise or write the bulk of my posts on my free day or night which leaves other nights for fine-tuning then I schedule all of them to come out staggered during the week.
    This way, I still have some sort of consistency and the free nights that I have spend time doing extra-curricular blog activities, like right now!


  11. You have to take care of yourself.... I understand how daunting blogging everyday can be. The key is not to phone it in.... and if you feel like you are because you "have to" exhale.... you miss a day or two, most of your readers will forgive!

  12. So hard to try and fit it all in - no. it's impossible. I like to have a line of posts ready to go, and then schedule them. *But* that's always tougher than it sounds like it's going to be :-) Life *will* keep getting in the way.
    Have a nice breather. We'll be here when you get back,

  13. Take the time to breathe. It's your space and one you should always enjoy! You know I find it difficult to read anyone who posts daily. So in a way I am happy you will post less frequently because I will be more than likely to be able to read all your posts and not miss any!! xx

  14. Wise words... now take a break and sip on a glass of Veuve - you deserve it chicken! ♥

  15. Very wise. xo Hope it's productive and rejuvinating for the other areas of your busy life.

  16. Good idea, Carly! If you're too busy then scale it back. Quality not quantity all the way. You're going great, exciting things!
    Heidi xo


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