
05 March 2011

Nearly 100 percent Carly

It's been a lovely couple of days and I am feeling heaps better! The steroids and antibiotics have helped my skin and I finally got a good, full night's sleep last night. I'm still not yet 100 percent Carly, but I will be soon :) I feel a bit behind on reading blogs and replying to emails and texts, and of course, writing, so I hope this weekend allows me to catch up.

Today Hayley and I went to see The Adjustment Bureau.
We both really liked it - it's a science fiction romantic chase about chance and predetermined paths. We also did a spot of shopping - Hayley got some clothes and cushions and I picked up a super cheap lace blazer from Temt for a costume party and a ball - both coming up in the next two weeks - and also a doona cover from Ikea.
I love the material of the doona cover so much I'd like it to be made into a dress. If any of my readers are seamstresses and could sew me a dress, please let me know. I'd like to commission you to sew me something :)

Yesterday I went to Canberra on a bit of a whirlwind day trip for work. It was a nice day too especially meeting interstate colleagues. I went to lunch at an International Women's Day event and the keynote speaker was Princess Kasine Zulu from Zambia. She spoke about her challenging life - walking five hours each way to get medication for her dying mother only to return after her mother died, raising her family after her mother had died, being diagnosed with HIV age 21, and realising she has to do more for women living in poverty. She also spoke of the importance of education and women in the workforce. Empowering and inspirational stuff. I bought her book and met her when she signed it.
Princess Zulu signed my book 'Dear Carly, the beautiful girl in the yellow dress...' - really special. I can't wait to read it!

I received lots of lovely compliments on my outfit yesterday - thanks everyone!
It's my new yellow dress from Freez, and a two year old Cue trench that I'd not worn yet, plus my Gossip Girl belt (hello airport security!) and Wittner heels. I love this outfit - so girly, and the floral print has beautiful reds and purples.
The flight home took ages - I don't know why there was a delay as I was too exhausted and was busy listening to my iPod. But apparently we flew the equivalent of Canberra to Melbourne to Canberra again. Despite getting home late, it was nice to unwind. Here's how I amused myself.

I don't know whether turning my iPhone onto flight mode is the same as turning it off? The plane didn't crash but it was delayed - was it due to my music??? I finished The Secret Life of Dresses - it was a nice read, nothing too cerebral, and I liked the stories each dress told. I had sparkling wine in a plastic cup too.

As we circled the sky, the sun was setting, making some beautiful light in the clouds...
and on the waterholes in the ground. This one looks like the earth's littered with diamonds.
I love taking pictures from the plane - the light is always so interesting.

I hope you're all having good weekends :)


  1. Yaayayaayayaaa!!!

    So glad you're starting to feel a little bit better :) :) :)

    I can sew... but, I haven't sewn a dress in a few years... I've got a few patterns waiting to go but I'm going to do calico mock ups first. I'm not sure I trust my rusty skills to jump in the deep end.

  2. That dress is gorgeous!! I, sadly, can't wear anything in yellows or oranges because it makes me look like I'm about to faint - the downside of pasty Scottish ancestry, I suppose ;)

    And flights to/from Canberra are usually delayed. It is the nation's backwater, after all!

    Glad you're feeling better, even if not 100% :)

  3. So, so glad you're feeling better lovely! Hope things continue to improve for you. That doona set is so pretty - I wish I could sew, but I'm too uncoordinated. Your outfit is amazing, you look absolutely gorgeous! xx

  4. Dear Carly, I am glad that you are almost 100% too. I love it that your book matched your gorgeous dress too - shades of Mrs Blighty! I also admired your sentence: "This one looks like the earth is littered with diamonds!". Well, I thought, so it is, so it is! love Lindaxxx

  5. I LOVE your whole outfit. Seriously, so adorable :]

  6. I'm happy to make you a dress, ahve done a few, have heaps of patterns etc, just send me an email Love the yellow frock, too!

  7. So awesome that you're starting to feel better! Keep it up! I love your yellow dress, and you do look beautiful in it. (I love curly hair...maybe it's because my hair isn't curly, lol)

    We only have one Ikea in my area, and it's 45 minutes away, in a bad area and near the airport. I wish ikea was a hop, skip and a jump away. Your plane pics are awesome. I know nothing about iphone (only have an ipod touch, darn the luck) so I have no idea if it affected your flight. Just "shhhhhh" don't tell anyone if it was you. ;)

  8. I'd say you are feeling better! You've got a LOT in this post. This is my first acquaintance with (from SITS) and I am impressed. See ya around.

  9. I'm so happy you're feeling better! :) Back to your busy life already I see!! What a great work trip. I'm interested in seeing that movie - I really like Matt Damon & Emily Blunt. Gorgeous outfit too - love the gossip girl belt!
    Heidi xo

  10. I had such a great day with you, Carly!! I am also thoroughly enjoying my puchases :D Hope to do it again sometime soon xoxo


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