
25 March 2011

Canned soup, Sydney shopping and other stuff

The trouble with being quite a good an expert home cook is that I don't know how to cook canned chicken soup. Off work, unwell with a cold, I thought chicken soup and orange juice was a good remedy. This orange juice is the best. Chicken soup not so good.  
The soup came out of the can like custardy Pal. I didn't know if I needed to add water to it. I didn't add water to it on the first 'cooking' serve. Heated, it looked like pure custard. On the second serve, I added water, and it looked like watered down custard. Errr yum. I should have made my soup from scratch. Major food regret.
I did eat other cold-combating foods. A slice of garlic chilli pizza. And Panadol. Is it a food? It is effervescent.
I figured that seeing I had artificial chicken, and was too unwell to eat dinner last night, the next best chickeny thing for me (aside from real chicken soup) is deep fried chicken. And salty chips.
The girl at KFC refreshingly told me she had a shitty day too. She said it with a smile. And gave me some coupons for next time I visit. My thighs dictate that I won't be visiting soon.

My day was spent sleeping, watching The Circle and the Nanny, and flicking through magazines. I am still not sure of whether I like Peppermint. The Melbourne Magazine has undergone a makeover. It features comedian and TV host Charlie Pickering who I once met in a lift and rabbited on to him as though I knew him. He did recognise me from the audience of the 7PM Project.
I want to make a speedy recovery, because a bad cold can end up in sore skin. So I am getting all the rest I can. Including sadly missing out on one of my best friend's birthday parties tonight. Happy birthday Scott. I will see you soon.

Today I also reminisced about my Sydney trip a week ago. I will write about the Aussie Bloggers Conference soon, I promise. I need to rest my body and mind for now, though. Reminiscing also included thinking about the shopping I did in Sydney.

I bought these at Simon Johnson when I was with Lanelle. I love elderflower.
I bought this from a boutique in Newtown on Friday afternoon with my friend K from school (and her cute babies).
The print is great. Flowers and deer.
I also bought these two cards from Monster Threads. So many cute things in store, and all I bought were these cards.
On Sunday I bussed it to Bondi Westfield. I had a rainbow cake. For breakfast. I was a bit hungover, and hangovers and holidays allow cake for breakfast.
I also spent my vouchers from my birthday and Christmas. First stop was JB Hi Fi - thanks LJ! I bought a Sia DVD.
This was near the changerooms at Myer. I loved the series of pictures, most were from the Melbourne store.
At Myer, I fell in love with this dress after seeing it three times in Cue Sydney, and with 30% off plus two Myer vouchers, I had to have it!
 Here is the dress from the Cue catalogue. I am in love!
I can't wait to wear it with my merino jumper underneath, and boots.

Two more things. 

This Social Network review I wrote was published on DiVine today. I revised it from this blog entry.

And a big congrats to Faux Fuchsia on the birth of your gorgeous son! You're going to be a great Mum!


  1. I LOVE that dress from Cue.

    Laughing out loud at your thighs dictating you won't be at KFC again soon. I'm compromising by going to Subway tonight.

    SSG xxx

    Sydney Shop Girl blog

  2. Hope you feel better soon Carly. We didn't meet at the conference, you were too busy dancing! xx

  3. damn! I hate writing spelling mistakes in comments, i deleted the above, let me try that again..

    what did I say? ohh yeah, as a dude, I hate shopping, but i've never been to Sydney, so that would be fun!
    AND.. i've seen the Social Network. it was rad. highly recommended :-)

    - tork
    Adelaide and South Australia blog

  4. Hi Carly,thanks for stopping by my blog. I've been thinking about you lately wondering what you've been up to and I see by your blog that your exciting adventures continue! Sydney looked like a blast! Have fun with Jo tomorrow at the market. I miss catching up with you at these things!

  5. I'm glad you're on the mend now. Holidays take it out of you!

  6. Oh Carly - sorry to hear you're unwell but hope that the kfc did the trick and that you're well on the mend.

    PS:Glad to see that you gave Peppermint another go;)


  7. I hope you're feeling better soon. You're quite right about the chicken soup - the stuff out of a can is never as good as the stuff you make yourself. It does take a lot of effort to do that, though.

    The Cue dress is gorgeous. I can completely understand why you needed to purchase it.

  8. That Cue dress lookks awesome on you. Feel better soon!

  9. I love the dress from Cue! Sigh, one day my budget will stretch far enough (and Cue will be having a big enough sale) for me to own some of their fabulous stuff. I quite like Peppermint Mag, although it can make me feel bad about not living as sustainable a life as would be ideal.

  10. That Cue dress and the red one are gorgeous!
    Yes, chicken soup Pal variety is ordinary.

    Quick cheats recipe is shredded BBQ chicken, can of creamed corn, a stock cube and milk, seasoning to taste.
    Hope you're better soon :)

  11. Urgh, custardy Pal sounds disgusting... I'm strictly a tomato soup girl when it comes to tinned soup! Sorry you've not been well. Hopefully you feel better soon and it doesn't result in sore skin :)

    And that dress is GORGEOUS!

  12. I hope you feel better soon. Super dress by the way! It suits you :)

  13. Hey Carly,
    a recipe for really yummy curried chicken soup if you are interested... It's worth making when your well and freezing some for when you're not.

    In a large saucepan melt 60g of butter, then fry up an onion (diced), 4 sticks of celery (diced), 2 rashers of bacon (diced), 2 carrots (diced or chopped) and 2 cloves of garlic (crushed). When this is all soft, add 1-2 tbl spoons of curry powder and stir over heat until fragrant. You can add chilli, or other herbs here too.
    Then add 6 cups of chicken stock.
    Add cubed or shredded chicken (I use a BBQ chook and remove the skin to make it easy, but you can use chicken breast fillets). Stir while heating until it boils, then turn the heat down. At this point you can add frozen or other fresh vegetables, and I often add soup pasta too (alphabet is the best). keep stirring until vegetables are cooked through and soup is warm.
    Remove from heat and add 2-4 tbl spoons of light sour cream, whisk the sour cream in.
    It tastes even better the next day, and it makes a lot, so there is plenty for several lunches, dinners or freezing.


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