
07 November 2010

Stop! Collaborate and listen. No Limits is filming a brand new episode.

It was a day of filming No Limits yesterday.

I was lucky enough to interview writer and comedian Catherine Deveny - she was very easy to talk to and provided insight into her dyslexia.

Once again, a lot of mucking around in the green room (and sometimes on set!). The title of this blog entry is Ice, Ice, Baby, modified. We were singing it at random times yesterday.

If the audience could hear what was being said off camera, the ratings would be through the roof.

Filming days are so much fun.

There's little modesty when filming - I had hands down my top and had to lift up my dress several times to secure my microphone to my stockings. Not awkward at all.

A photographer was there taking press photos - media kits are going to be sent out soon, and the website updated, so you may see some stories about No Limits in your local newspaper.

The show airs on 6 December. You can get it on channel 44 on Australian digital TV, and channel 31 on analogue.

I love the No Limits cast and crew. The friendships I've formed are great - everyone's so supportive. And funny. I feel like I can be myself around them. I feel like I fit in.

Heath the guide dog. Named after Heath Ledger.
He was born on the day Heath Ledger died.

Sort of meeting a celebrity.

This is what I wore for the first episode I was in:
Dress by Sportsgirl, top by Miss Shop, jacket by Target, headband by Witchery, shoes by Diana Ferrari.
I have had this top since Christmas 1999. I love it. Heath the guide dog loved it too.
I wore the above outfit, minus the jacket, for the second episode I was in. Dress by Temt.

After filming we went to the pub. The night ended very messily for me. And one of my No Limits friends deserves an Australian of the Year award for looking after me. Enough said. But here are some of the funny Facebook statuses that I made, as a result of some highly philosophical and alcoholised conversation.

Carly Findlay: was stuck between two men who couldn't feel either side of their body.

Carly Findlay:
I'm actually really good looking. (Someone told me this!)

Carly Findlay:
Beauty is only skin deep. But my skin peels off So beauty is only temporary for me.

Heheheheh. I guess you had to be there!

Good times.


  1. I love a good Vanilla Ice reference, and I was wondering what those FB status updates were all about - so thank for the brilliant post!

    I can't wait to see No Limits on the 6th Dec, will have to work out how to watch Bris 31 on my fancy pants TV.

    xx Polly

  2. That is a great T-shirt!

    Filming looks like so much fun.

    SSG xxx

  3. Looking forward to seeing this on TV - looks as if you had such a good time filming, Carly. x


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