
15 August 2010

Lizzie Velasquez

I was so moved and inspired by seeing Lizzie Velasquez on Channel 7's Sunday Night tonight that I had to find out more about her.

Lizzie has an extremely rare syndrome that means she cannot put on weight. She also ages rapidly and has lost part of her eyesight. She is stared at so much, and was humiliated on YouTube.

Her story made me cry.

Though my condition is no where near related to hers, I can identify with her social challenges. And I definitely empathise with her desire to prove herself.

I admire Lizzie for telling her story and educating the world about diversity and looking beyond appearances. She's doing amazing things getting out there in the media and influencing peoples' outlooks. She has such a positive attitude - and she is confident in herself - more people need to think and act like she does.

Find out more about Lizzie on her website.


  1. i was moved to tears by her story too. i am so inspired by her attitude. great post carly! x

  2. It was a great story. How amazing are her parents and family too.

  3. Bianca and Bern - thanks for reading and commenting. Her parents are fantastic - so glad they enabled her to have confidence :)

  4. I was in tears too, she has a great attitude and seems like an amazing person who is beautiful inside and out (just like you). I'm looking for a copy of her book at the moment, I can't wait to read it.

  5. Wow, that was amazing. How incredible and well-spoken and confident Lizzie is, she really inspires me. I would love to read her book.

    Thanks for this post, Carly :)


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