
18 August 2010

Blogs you might like to check out

I have found some blogs that I really enjoy and want to share with you.

Yes and Yes. It's an American blog with really interesting interviews, personal stories, advice and style. Yes and Yes covers some serious life and world issues, as well as some lighthearted ones. I once read a story about a girl who was raised by parents who grew and sold marijuana. Yes and Yes is like This American Life in print form.

I have already mentioned this one a few months back - Raising Ruby It's the journey of a labrador puppy in training to be a service dog for a person with special needs. A cute, cheeky and smart labrador with fabulous owners doing good in the community, what more could you want? Raising Ruby has been nominated as a finalist for the Petties pet blog awards - you can vote for the blog here (choose 'servicepuppyruby')

And Pluck Your Strings. It's a music blog written by Lachy, a Melbourne based journalism student. It features reviews of CDs and concerts, and particularly focuses on Australian indie music. And Pluck Your Strings has opened my ears up to music I'd wish I'd been listening to sooner. The Middle East, Cloud Control, Jinja name a few.

Kendi Everyday. A fashion blog. It's not your average fashion blog (the kind I dislike - showing off excess wealth, picture after picture of amateur models or pictures pilfered from pages of Vogue magazine - I prefer fashion blogs with more substance). Kendi Everyday is just a pretty girl wearing attainable and practical outfits, and every so often she does a 30 for 30 remix challenge which gives new life to an existing wardrobe. Not only does Kendi dress fabulously, she can write! And with humour.

So Now What. Bern Morley is a hilarious 'mummy blogger'. I don't read many 'mummy blogger' blogs - most just aren't in my demographic. But Bern writes with such honesty, humour and humility - not just on the topics of parenting, but work, family and some hearbreaking things like death - and I can identify with her writing so much. She also shares a love of Callan Mulvey with me. Bern has also been nominated for a blogging award by Kidspot, and if she wins she will get a well deserved holiday. You can vote for Bern here.

Enjoying the Small Things. Another 'mummy blogger', this time based in America. I was drawn to this blog because Kelle Hampton has shared an amazing story about the day her baby girl Nella was born in January 2010 - Nella was born with Down's Syndrome. Kelle is a brilliant writer photographer, documenting the growth and fun times of her two gorgeous little girls - Nella and Lainey (age three). Kelle's blog is so heartwarming - she expresses such love and emotion through her blog.

Hedonistic Hostess. This blog belongs to Marion Grasby from Masterchef. All entries but one to date are before she became Australia's favourite Masterchef contestant. I admire that she's studied a Masters in Gastronomy!

I hope that you check out some of the blogs I mentioned, and love them as much as I do.


  1. Thanks so much! I'm flattered to be in such good company!

  2. Thanks for the recommendations Carly - I've totally swooned over Ruby the puppy; raising a guide dog is something I've always wanted to do (but I fear for the heartbreak when you have to give them back). I'm fascinated by some of the mummy bloggers too, but like you, they're not my demographic.

    And offtrack, but I loved hearing about Cutlet - last year I adopted an abandoned lamb too, and am hoping to adopt at least another one this season (and lambing starts tomorrow for us). Cutlet is such an adorable name - you've given me ideas for what to call my next kidlets! Right now I have Mary (i.e. Mary had a little lamb), and I want the next one to be named Jean (Mary-Jean = my ideal 1950s name)!

  3. Carly you are just wonderful. That description of my blog sums it up perfectly. I'm glad I started off calling it So Now What, it kind of gives me free rein. Imagine if I had of called if "The Shit my kids do". Would have limited me A LOT.

    Yes, Callan, you and me will one day live on an island and we will share him happily. Tis OK, he will be on board xxx

  4. Thanks everyone :) mum says the lamb is thriving and is very loyal.

  5. Carly, thanks so much for the shout out and also for a great new stash of blogs to check out! And so happy to see an update on Cutlet! Your parents might enjoy trying clicker training with him. :)

  6. I love that you described yes and yes as This American Life in print!


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