
28 June 2010

Rush premiere memories

Nothing new to blog about today. I'm sickly with my cold. Sneezing, wheezing and coughing. I'll be ok though. A cold is not the height of sickness.

As you know, I have quite the memory. And get very starstruck. Indeed.

Tonight marks one year since I was privileged to go to the Rush premiere at the cinema with my friend. I entered a competition and won a double pass.

It was fantastic. There was canapes, champagne, celebrities and Rush on the big screen. I felt very lah-di-dah.

I got very dressed up, feeling very good about myself. I recall sending a text to my Mum on the train saying I'm the sexiest girl out tonight.

I had many a champagne. When Callan appeared, I had to down the champagne(s) very quickly to free up a hand to take a photo (or 50).

Here is my friend and I. I really like this photo - I have it up on my desk at work and also on my fridge. My friend and I had not seen each other for about 10 years until the night of the Rush premiere. It was very exciting. She used to babysit me!

Callan and I. He was so so lovely.

And on his own. I took heaps of photos of him - he was very obliging to pose on his own and with others.

We sat in the front row at the cinema to watch Rush on the big screen. I got a bit dizzy from being so close to the screen. Or it may have been from the champagne.

I know that you should endeavour to put your best face (and legs in this case) forward on the internet, but I have to share this photo with you. I was giggling like a schoolgirl. Especially when Callan and his co-actor Ashley Zuckerman came out to introduce the screening. And during some (shirtless) scenes, I was screaming with delight with the best of them in the cinema.

My skirt was ridiculously short and flippy. My legs are like chipolata sausages! Who cares when the night was that fabulous, darling?!

Oh the memories!

PS: here are the labels, darling.
Skirt by Romance was Born for Sportsgirl - I remember buying this especially for the occasion, and it was a great bargain too!
Coat by Cue
Top by Wish via Alibi Online
Bag by Catherine Manuell
Shoes by Wittner
Necklace by a Tasmanian glass designer, gift from parents
Bangle by Witchery
Belt by Target
Stockings by Voodoo
Smile by Carly


  1. CALLAN! WOOT WOOT! hahahahaa I love it, this post made me smile. I really hope you're feeling better soon, there are some nasty bugs floatin' round at the moment. xo

  2. It makes me really happy to hear that Callan is so lovely in real life. I've really liked him since Heartbreak High, then his car accident broke my heart to read about the facial reconstructive surgery etc that he had to go through. I'm so happy for you that you've been able to meet him.

    Hope you feel better soon, I have a cold too at the moment and it sucks!

  3. Thanks for your wishes Mez and Linda. I'll be ok soon :)

    As for Callan - nicest celebrity ever. He's done an amazing job of recovery, but I imagine it was so difficult for him.

  4. Hope you feel better soon, lovely!

    It sounds like a fantastic time! I'm rather jealous you got to hug and smell Callan though!

  5. Hi Carls
    You have a killer smile in these snaps. I love listening to Dog Days are over too. How glam is Florence?

  6. Oh you and your bloody snappy dressing. I went op shopping today and got two fantastic jackets. I love that photo, you look so damn happy.

    In other news, I saw you like a bit of the Sam Worthington. Moi too. Would marry him or Callan. Not too picky xx

  7. You look fantastic! Love that dress, and you look so radiantly happy :)

  8. Sounds like a great time. You all have Rush we have True Blood. ;)

  9. Hi Carly

    What a lovely blog post! (well aside from the bit where you have a cold - I hope you feel better soon) It's wonderful that you won tickets to the premiere and got to meet such a droolworthy crush (although I do like roger corser better myself :p)and had such a fabulous time!


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