
05 June 2010

Music I've been missing - Darren Hayes, Darkness

Lately I've been listening to Darren Hayes. He's the music I've been missing.

Those who know me probably think I ALWAYS listen to Darren Hayes. This is a fallacy. I don't listen to him as much as you think.

It is true that I spent from 1997 - 1999 listening to the Savage Garden debut album on repeat, pretty much all the time I was at home or had my Discman (anti-shock, 20 second delay, $300 thank you - oh the technology!), so much so that sometimes I'd feel seasick. I don't do that now.

In the past month I've listened to Darren a lot on my iPod - mostly his solo stuff. I think what spurred it on was the short film making. My iPod was one of my props. To keep it real, I actually listened to Darren when they filmed me (Darren, if you are reading this, which you probably aren't, the cover of your album on my iPod may or my not be featured in a short film!).

The song I listened to was Darkness.

Darren looks so sad, so restless, yet still so beautiful in this video clip. This clip, and lyrics, shows his vulnerability.

There are so many Savage Garden and Darren Hayes songs that I rate as my favourite songs of all time. Dublin Sky. To the Moon and Back. Mine. The Lover After Me. Santa Monica. Casey. Who Would Have Thought? Walk Away. Like it or Not. So Beautiful.

But there's something about Darkness that means so much to me, enough to yearn for it and write about it here.

Darkness is from The Tension and the Spark, his second solo album. I adore this album. Listening to it when it was released gave me the same feelings as when I first heard Savage Garden's debut.

I saw Darren perform this at his album launch in 2004. Some of the props in the Darkness clip, and on the cover of The Tension and the Spark were on stage at the launch. He kissed and hugged me from the stage. Maybe that's why Darkness means so much to me. Here is a photo I took at the launch.

I remember being at that launch, in the front row, standing in awe for most of the concert. Mouthing the words to his songs. (And it's not often I am silenced at a Darren Hayes concert, or anywhere around him for that matter - he brings out the screamer in me!) I was in absolute awe. I can't articulate how amazed I was.

Darkness has such, well, dark lyrics. Hearing The Tension and the Spark was confronting as it was the first time I heard Darren sing with such direct reference to his emotional state. He has always been an honest and emotional lyricist, but there was something raw about this album. Songs like Unlovable and Setting Sun were so blunt. I loved this album for this reason. It felt like Darren had made a transition with his music.

I like to start my iPod with Darkness. I often walk through the city listening to it, hands in pockets, head down. It's like an escape. It's got a great pace for walking. When I listen to it, I only feel aware of the song.

This song gets into my veins and becomes a part of me in a way that probably seems unbelievable to some.

What is the song that gets into your veins?


  1. Carly, thank you for that part of your blog. I didn't know that Darren ist still into music. It's great to see this viedeo! His so cute! I love his voice and his lyrics. Now, I'll try to get mi the second album :-)

  2. difficult question miss carly... i have a whole ipod full of songs. lateralus by tool is up at the top, hate me by blue October always makes me cry, freak ( radioheads song) done acoustically by Korn , crazy by gnarls barkley....

    you know what , youve inspired me to do a whole blog about this, hope you read it... <3 danielle x

  3. Hi Carly! Been following your blog for awhile but am a comments virgin! My song is 'So far away from you' as covered by Katie Webster, the 'swamp boogie queen' (hell, why wouldn't you call yourself that?!?!). I was lucky enough to see her live in Adelaide many years ago and could listen to the few albums I have of hers anywhere, anytime! Have a great day!!

  4. The Tension and the Spark is my favourite Darren-related album of all (including the Savage Garden ones). It's just amazing and beautiful.

  5. So glad this post has got people thinking!
    And thanks for the music recs too :)
    I think I have to agree, Linda, The Tension and the Spark is my fave Darren and SG album. It's hard to weigh up, but yes, I agree.

  6. Hi Carly.
    He deserves a lot more props...really loved that song...and will download from Itunes:)

    The song that gets into my veins...

    Would have to be...
    1. Anas song - Silverchair - surprised?:)
    2. U2  - Silver and Gold - About Apartheid in South Africa...
    3. Nick Drake - His whole album - Five Leaves left - green cover..
    these are the songs i listen to when i walk home in the rain, trying to not be noticed ...on days when i feel sad and sick of life...

    Have a great day -SP


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