
09 May 2010

Weekend cooking adventures

There's nothing I like better on a weekend than to cook up a storm. And yesterday I had someone to cook for! My Mum!

Here is this weekend's feast. Heaps of leftovers for the working week!

Roast pumpkin, sweet potato and potato soup, with premium chicken stock, organic cream, and celery and carrot.

Here are the vegetables ready for roasting.

And here are the premium products. I am excited about them because usually I just have the supermarket standard.

This is the finished soup.

This is Greek inspired pizza with lamb, cherry tomatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, feta, mozzarella and tzatiziki dip.

The pizza base is from a local deli and was voted the best bought base in Melbourne. It's a great base.

I adore pizzas topped with heaps of veges.

This is trifle from my favourite deli, in the same street as the first deli I mentioned.

When Mum got home to my place last night, I had a surprise set up for her. Some of her favourite music playing on iTunes (Simon and Garfunkle and the Hollies), a glass of wine poured, and her present (a memoir of South African food). And the MacBook displayed the Mother's Day blog entry that I wrote for her. She loved all of it, she was very teary about it. It was nice to spend an early Mother's Day with her.

She bought me some roses.

I love receiving flowers.

This is a pancake I made this morning for lunch. I had it with lime and sugar. I made two, but flipping pancakes is not my skill and the other one ended up looking like scrambled eggs.

And here is tonight's dinner. It was delicious.

It is pot roasted pork chops cooked in ginger beer with sage and onions, mashed potato (also cooked in the pork/ginger beer pot) with a splash of that organic cream, snow peas and spinach. It was delicious to the million.


  1. Your cooking looks AMAZZZZZZZZING! With extra Zing!

  2. Mmmm that all looks so fantastic!!! Love the roses too. x


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