
01 May 2010

Tune into Radio Carly FaceBook page!

So in the art of procrastination (I am equivalent to Van Gogh as a procrastinator!) I set up a FaceBook page for this blog.

You can view, and 'like' it here - Tune into Radio Carly FaceBook page.

I don't know how to install the plug-in for this blog. Can someone please help me? Thank you :)

There is not much on the FaceBook page yet, but I hope that it will be a way for you to interact more - leave a message for me - maybe suggest some topics I could cover in this blog.

Ok, so right after I tweak the page, I will pay full attention to my uni texts.

Thanks for liking!


  1. Hi Carly:)
    How did you set up the Facebook page?

    Have a nice day - SP

  2. Hi there

    You log out of FB, then there's an option to set up a company or product page. And you just type in the title of your page, and hey presto, it's done!

  3. Thanks Carly:)
    I managed, so i am one Facebook as well now:)
    Loved the interview by the way...
    So how about a direct link to your new radio show?
    can i listen live?:)

    Have a great day - sp


Thank you for reading my blog. I love receiving comments :)
I really appreciate the time you've taken to write to me, and to share something about yourself.