
16 May 2010

Short film making

I spent two full days this weekend with ten fantastic people making a short film. The theme of the film was 'What is it like living in your body'.

Film maker Genevieve Bailey worked with community arts group Wild at Heart to explore the concept of body image for people with a disability. Our stories were told through the short film.

We worked together discussing what we would like the film to portray, discussed the stories we each wanted to tell, and how we would use symbols to represent us as individuals away from our disability.

It was an amazing experience.

Without giving too much away, my part of the film focused on my passions - listening to music and writing. It was so much fun to skip down Errol Street with my hands in my pockets listening to my iPod!

The film will be released in schools and online and in film festivals in the near future. I will let you know when it's online for viewing.

Aside from the serious (but fun) discussion about body image and recording audio and visual material, we had a hoot using PhotoBooth on my MacBook.

I met inspiring, articulate and creative people – some of these people have never had a chance to have their voice heard. Hearing their stories and spending 14 hours with them opened my eyes to the difficulties they face in their lives, but also their intelligence and achievements.

It made me feel lucky to have the freedom of use of my body that some of them don't have. But I feel luckiest to have been able to meet these people and to share our experiences and to explore a different way of telling my story.

(Back: Gen, Carly Albert, Jenny, Joseph;
Front: Beth, Elvira, Tash)


  1. Awesome! What a fantastic project to work on Carly, can't wait to see the finished product. ♥

  2. Carly,
    What a great project to be involved in.

    So excited for you.

    Really looking forward to the final film.

    SSG xxx

  3. Wow Carly - how amazing to be in film. I look forward to seeing it too. Congratulations!

  4. Sounds awesome Carly!! Can't wait to see it xx

  5. Awesome project, Carly. Looking so forward to viewing it!


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