
08 May 2010

And the winners are....

An official judge was in the house today to draw the inaugural giveaway on Tune into Radio Carly. My Mum.

She was on her way to judging a gymnastics competition. Here she is in her judging outfit.

And here she is drawing the winners. Note the green smoothie.

The moral of this story is to always make sure dishes are dry before you put them away in the cupboard. Makes for wet entries.


The winner of the Frankie Mag is Marlo Perry

Polly6034 won the cupcakes!

And The Prickly Pinecone gets the cute brooch.

Because the cupcakes were very popular - thank you for your kind words about my limited scrapbooking skills! - Prickly Pinecone and Marlo Perry will also get a cupcake.

I will be in touch with the winners to get your postal details.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you everyone for coming to read my blog and entering the giveaway. Look out for another giveaway soon :)


  1. Woo hoo!! I'm super excited, thanks Carly :)

    I'm known for my cupcake baking skills, so this is perfect for me. Thanks again hun!

  2. Oh wow, how generous. I adore my new brooch! Looking forward to your adorable cupcake.

  3. Congrats to all!
    I love your mother's bemused expression Carly :D xx

  4. Cute!!
    Your Mum was very cute drawing out the winners, what is your back ground?


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