
13 April 2010

Laughing cookies

It was our post uni Asian snack challenge tonight.

We had heaps of time. I was so excited. It's been three weeks since our last one.

This time there was a twist. My friend would select my snacks. I gave him a few conditions - I don't drink milk or coffee, and won't eat those preserved duck eggs. The rest is free reign.

We saw a lot of things.

I love the interesting names and cutesy packaging.

This was our haul:

I had sesame cookies, laughing cookies and soursop drink. They were chosen for me.

The sesame cookies rival the pocky for quality. God they are good. They are just like communion biscuits sandwiched with sesame seeds. Delicious.

The laughing cookies tasted quite plain, sort of like pastry twists but with a hint of prawn, despite no prawn being listed in the ingredients.
I giggled a lot.
Friend: 'Do they taste good?'
Me: 'No.'
Friend: 'But they made you laugh.'
Cue much laughter all around, even from a passenger on the train.
Laughter snacks are neither here nor there.

Sour sop. My friend told me that's me. I said it was the opposite of my personality.
It was like passiona with about 70 spoons of sugar. Not great.

My friend got tom yum peanuts and coffee in a can.

We managed to share our snacks with a fellow commuter, unlike last train trip. We saw him laughing when I was giggling at the laughter cookies. They make anyone laugh. He tried, and liked, the sesame snacks and the tom yum peanuts. Laughter cookies - meh. He was enjoying it as much as us.

My friend opened the train door with his foot, while holding his snacks.
'I couldn't have opened the train door with my foot if it wasn't for my tom yum peanuts', he said.

As I headed up my driveway, I said to my friend 'we managed to covert the guy on the train'. My friend agreed this was a good thing.

'Yeah, but he was pretty open minded anyway'. This guy was a cross dresser, wearing knee high boots and fingerless gloves, and and the silkiest hair I've ever seen. He was so nice and willing to join the challenge!

We laughed and laughed. Another successful Asian snack challenge. You got to take the good with the bad with this challenge.


  1. I love asian foods- except when they surprise you with fishy tastes. (I don't eat seafood).

    All their biscuits type things are the best. When I was in Hong Kong, it was literally all I ate if I wasn't in my hotel near Western Food.

  2. I love this challenge that you do. Hamish, not the radio one ;) and I like to get different dumplings. We always get random different sorts to try at home, they are SO cheap and the vegetarian ones have surprised us by being the nicest 99.9% of the time. We usually steam them then fry them on one side like gyoza. mmmmmm, I highly recommend doing this as one of your challenges one day. ♥

  3. Sounds like a win all around! Laughter cookies, delicious snack, converting a stranger. What an adventure. The pictures of the food made me hungry!

  4. That Sour sop sounds particularly scary - I think I'd rather eat the jungle insects in I'm a celebrity than some of these!

  5. asian biccies are so cute, sweet and yummy! nom nom nom

  6. That's auite a diversity of flavours there - great post!!

    SSG xxx

    PS - love the new blog look.

  7. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with this challenge :) I'd like to try something similar one day.

    Hey Carly thanks for following my blog. I've liked reading your entries and admire your articulate posts.

  8. hahaha.. you are brave! i don't eat from labels i can't understand.

  9. So funny Carly - love your post Uni snack challenge and the fact that it made a few of you smile too! x

  10. Oh gosh, I LOVE Asian food. Both meals (stir fry, chow mein, etc.) and junk food. My wife Jen and I dream of one day visiting or maybe even moving too Japan!

    We've ordered various food products for an online Asian store before and loved trying them!

    Sounds like your challenge was a lot of fun and now I want some laughter cookies!!!

  11. Hi Carly:)
    I really love the new layout...your blog looks really good...

    Have a nice day - :)sp

  12. Carrie @

    Carly--i stumbled across your the cute food idea! That would be fun for a party. My kids play a version of this when we blindfold them and they have to guess the food on the plate. I always put something gooey, sticky, or familiar shapes (like cheerios). Your Oriental food idea sounds great!

  13. sour sop sounds like a diabetics nightmare! hehehe

    asian snacks are so much cuter and therefore more fun. thats how my brain sees it anyways


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