
10 March 2010

Fashion and food

Two 12 hour days in a row kill me. I'll be ok though, looking forward to the weekend!

Here's what I wore today:

Top - Jeans West
Jacket - Temt
Skirt - Mink Pink
Shoes - Wittner
Stockings - Myer
Necklace - Wiyomu from Etsy
Hair clip - Mimco

And here's what I ate:

Grill'd field mushroom burger & chips
Emma & Tom's Radical Action juice

The photos of my lunch were taken with the Hisptamatic iPhone App. Cool eh?

When I got on the tram after work heading to the Children's Hospital, a kind (insistent and worried) man took me by the arm and escorted me to a seat where he ordered someone to give their seat up for me. It was very nice of him to do so, and often I am in need of a seat, but it was strange for someone to be so concerned about me for them to take physical measures to ensure I get a seat! Thank you - who ever you are. Nice to see humankindness exists.

Got a massive day ahead tomorrow, big event on. Calm thoughts, breathe and relax Carly.


  1. Hi:)
    Love the leather jacket:)

    Have a good day, SP

  2. Looking at those food pictures has made me hungry... it's almost 10pm :/ not good.

  3. You rock that look. I can't find a look I really really like on myself now. Doesn't help that I am getting larger for no good reason. Blah. But I want your Jacket - badly - is that recent? Twitter me please lovely ;)

  4. Love the outfit- I'm SO into floral mixed with stripes. You work it soooo well.

  5. I saw you in the street this morning! I think we work near each other :)

  6. I love the food photos, Carly.

    Must get to Jeans West. They have good stuff in at the moment.

    SSG xxx

  7. Oh i have those shoes in brown <3 <3

  8. KC - I love these shoes - they are my favourite and I never want them to wear out.

    SSG - thanks for loving my photos. My friend I was with was wondering why I was taking the photos. He wondered why I was going to write about my lunch on my blog. And yes, Jeans West are good. Sometimes hit and miss, but I love my stripey tops.

    FF - thanks - I love purple, it's my favourite colour.

    Bern - have tweeted you details of jacket.

    Princess of many sorts - thanks! It's pleather, but I think it looks as good as leather!

    Mez - Grill'd have a 2 for 1 offer until Monday! Go get a burger (or two), no matter what time!

    Alana - say hi next time, would love to speak to you in the street! You're the second person to recognise me from my blog!

    Marloperry - thanks for the compliment. I have never done stripes with floral til yesterday! Glad I rocked it.


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