
14 February 2010

Valentine's Day plans - I love me.

My date hasn't surfaced for Valentine's Day.


I've been a single girl for ages now, and there's nothing more that I enjoy than seeing a film on my own and going shopping in a giant mall. I love it.

So as an I Love Me present, I am doing just that.

I have some unspent vouchers from my birthday and Christmas so I shall see what treats I can buy myself without feeling guilty and depleting my own funds.

I am off to the 10:30 screening of Valentine's Day. I am very excited about this movie, despite the lack of brainpower I foresee I'll be using while watching it.

I hope I love this movie just as much as I love Love Actually.

Happy Valentine's Day.


  1. How you enjoy the movie and have a fab day. xo

  2. Woooo I can't WAIT to see Valentine's Day, seeing it with some gf's on Friday.

    Have fun today little lady, enjoy pampering yourself :)

  3. Thanks girls :)
    I had a nice day. I love shopping. And the movie was FANTASTIC - you and your GFs will love it.


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