
29 January 2010

Hello to all my blog followers!

Wow, I have four new followers today. Currently I have 31 followers (including me!). Wow!

I am very excited by this - knowing that people are actually reading my writing is really lovely. Thank you.

I received this comment on the Vogue Forums from She Wore It Well today:

'You exude happiness in everyone single photo!! I wish I was half as happy and content as you. Awesome!!!'

That is so nice :)

Please stop by and say hello on the comments form. I'd love to get to know you better, like you're getting to know me.

I'm so humbled and wowed by the positive comments I've received and the other bloggers I've 'met' through my blog.

Thank you.


  1. Hey Carly, thanks for visiting my blog :) I've added a wiki page for your blog here.

  2. Wow! A wiki page!
    Thank you :)
    I will fill it in tomorrow.

  3. Hi Carly I was one of the 4 yesterday (: Hope you're having a fab weekend! Your new costume is so cute and adorable - I hope you'll post pics of you in it when you receive it. I love your blog - it is truly inspiring (:

  4. Hey Miss Kitty - thanks for your kind words about my blog. I love to receive comments, and am happy i inspire people.

    I am super excited about receiving my bear hood jacket - not too sure the heroic powers of my super teddy though... may need ideas :)

  5. Hi Carly -
    Found you through the ichthyosis board. Your blog is just lovely. Our 4 year old son has EHK and what hope you give us for his future. Thanks for all of the inspiration and honesty.
    Much kindness to you.

  6. Hey Kimberly thanks for your comment. I am so glad that I have given you some hope for your son. Ichthyosis is hard, but it doesn't mean there's no quality of life or opportunities.
    Keep in touch,


Thank you for reading my blog. I love receiving comments :)
I really appreciate the time you've taken to write to me, and to share something about yourself.